Welcome to the Baton Rouge International Christian Church

A non-denominational, Bible-based, international Christian Church focused on living out Jesus’ dream of making disciples of Christ in every nation!

Our Leaders: Zach and Christina Dryden

Zach and his wife, Christina Dryden, currently serve as Evangelist and Women’s Ministry Leader for the Baton Rouge International Christian Church. They have been happily married for over 3 years and recently have added their firstborn son, Titus, to the family! Zach has successfully led small groups, campus ministries, and a region in Miami, Florida. Zach has a bachelor’s degree in Christian Ministry and is looking forward to pursuing his masters. Christina serves as a Women’s Ministry Leader and is devoted to counseling women and helping them heal from their past with the power of God’s Holy Word. She has also worked as licensed physical therapist for several years.

About Us

Our focus and dream is to help men and women strengthen their relationship with God and to make disciples of all nations (Matthew 28:18-20). We believe that every man and woman are called to be disciples of Jesus, but sadly many don’t know what that means. That’s why 12 fearless missionaries came from multiple states to officially plant the Church here in Baton Rouge in 2022. We serve in community projects in the city, have life-changing personal Bible studies, relentlessly hold to the Bible, and most of all: our values are rooted in love and respect for God’s Word and all walks of life.

Campus Ministry

Women’s Ministry

Singles/Married Ministry